Ceballos: English version

Gallery IX

Virtual Gallery

Announcer of Rays
Spanish original: «Anunciador del rayo»

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Announcer of Rays | Anunciador del rayo
Gallery IX: "Advent of the Superman" | «Advenimiento del superhombre»
tempera and acrylic on canvas
81 x 54 cm
private collection


Friedrich W. Nietzsche (1844-1990).
German philosopher.

German Original in German

English English version

Unheimlich ist das menschliche Dasein und immer noch ohne Sinn: ein Possenreißer kann ihm zum Verhängnis werden.

Ich will die Menschen den Sinn ihres Seins lehren: welcher ist der Übermensch, der Blitz aus der dunklen Wolke Mensch.

Friedrich Nietzsche,
Also sprach Zarathustra,
Erster Teil, Zarathustras Vorrede, 7

Sombre is human life, and as yet without meaning: a buffoon may be fateful to it.

I want to teach men the sense of their existence, which is the Superman, the lightning out of the dark cloud- man.


Friedrich Nietzsche,
Thus Spoke Zarathustra,
First Part, Zarathustra's Preface, 7

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Gallery IX | Index | 038 | 039 | 040 | 037 | 042 | 041

Gallery IX: Advent of the Superman | Advenimiento del superhombre


original title

title in English


Homenaje a Zaratustra

A Tribute to Zarathustra


Anunciador del rayo

Announcer of Rays


Vivir a tiempo

To Live On Time

037 Cuerda sobre el abismo A Cord over the Abyss
042 El río del devenir The River of Becoming
041 El gran escenario de las estrellas The Great Scene of Stars



original title

title in English


De mares

About Seas (3)

II: Máscaras Masks (3)


Vanities (4)


Humani nihil a me alienum puto

Nothing human is distant to me (5)



Disquiet (8)



Dreams (5)



Solitudes (4)



Wishes (5)


Advenimiento del Superhombre

Advent of the Superman (6)


Del Hierro al Titanio

From Iron to Titanium (25)



Portraits (8)

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