Ceballos: English version

Virtual Gallery

Selected Works

001 The Sea One
001 The Sea One

045 Without Roots
045 Without Roots

048 Hanging by a Thread
048 Hanging by a Thread

046 The Woman from Cordoba
046 The Woman from Cordoba

056 El chicharrillo
056 El chicharrillo

062 Mines
062 Mines

070 This is not a museum
070 This is not a museum

013 Humanitatem
013 Humanitatem

034 Casually
034 Casually

052 Fumes I
052 Fumes I

067 The Dock of Portu
067 The Dock of Portu

038 A Tribute to Zarathustra
038 A Tribute to Zarathustra

049 Uneasy Calm
049 Uneasy Calm

075 Juan Luis
075 Juan Luis

068 The First Bessemer Ingot
068 The First Bessemer Ingot

023 Path to Nowhere
023 Path to Nowhere

058 Los Txikiteros 2
058 Los Txikiteros 2

065 Desert Square
065 Desert Square

069 Sapientia melior auro
069 Sapientia melior auro

072 Lasesarre
072 Lasesarre

073 From Iron To Titanium
073 From Iron To Titanium

Quick Tour | Index | Next | 001 | 013 | 023 | 034 | 038 | 045 | 046 | 048 | 049 |
052 | 056 | 058 | 062 | 065 | 067 | 068 | 069 | 070 | 072 | 073 | 075 | Full Index

Full Index in English:
About the Artist | Gallery | Links | About this Site | Awards

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E-mail: [email protected]
Webmaster: [email protected]
Text selection: Begoña Ceballos
Design: Begoña Ceballos
Contributor: José Manuel Boné
© 2002 Begoña Ceballos
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