Ceballos: English version





Begoña Ceballos

Begoña Ceballos

Belgique - België Photography: Pierre De Lattre

Begoña Ceballos (1960) was born in Barakaldo (Basque Country). She graduated in Political Sciences and Sociology at the University of Deusto (Bilbao). She have carried out her artistic formation in Madrid, where she lives and works.

Her work reveals us a commitment with the mystery of human existence and, also, with a powerful and expressive will.

They are vital and energetic paintings, which display a rich and generous world, marked by the continuous experimentation of the pictorial medium.

She use shape and colour in order to represent universal sensations, as an interpretation of human nature.

She transforms the canvas in the mirror of the soul, like a mental hospital with caricatures inside, or a well plenty of vague echoes. Her paintings are expressed from an impulsive look, even sometimes from a harsh look, and appear as incomplete, suggestive, chaotic and worrying paintings. She looks for provoking viewers reaction, in such way that they begin to speak because of her works.

Through quick and energetic brushstrokes, her pictures liberate energy and show a robust solidity and a wild strength. The violent tones passionately mix red and purple, green and blue colours. Her paintings are the synthesis among represented images, psychic automation and colour. Only the quick execution allows to retain and express which emerges from the being depth, and reflection and intervention of the reason cannot changed their spontaneous genesis.

Their work could remember us the primitive and wild art. But anyway, what she claims for the painting is instinctive and quick expression, imagination, expressivity, spontaneity, and passion.

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E-mail: [email protected]
Webmaster: [email protected]
Text selection: Begoña Ceballos
Design: Begoña Ceballos
Contributor: José Manuel Boné
© 2002 Begoña Ceballos
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