Ceballos: English version

Gallery XI

Virtual Gallery

Pierre De Lattre

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Pierre De Lattre
Gallery XI: "Portraits" | «Retratos»
oil on canvas
65 x 54 cm
private collection


Lucretius (c.99-51 BC).
Roman poet and Epicurean philosopher.

English Latin original

English English version

Principium cuius hinc nobis exordia sumet,
nullam rem e nihilo gigni diuinitus umquam.
Quippe ita formido mortalis continet omnis,
quod multa in terris fieri caeloque tuentur,
quorum operum causas nulla ratione uidere
possunt ac fieri diuino numine rentur.

Quas ob res ubi uiderimus nil posse creari
de nihilo, tum quod sequimur iam rectius inde
perspiciemus, et unde queat res quaeque creari
et quo quaeque modo fiant opera sine diuom.

Titus Lucretius Carus,
De rerum natura,
Liber I

There is one simple point we have to start from:
The gods never made a single thing out of nothing.
Because, if one things frightens people, it is
that so much happens, on earth and out in space,
the reasons for which seem somehow to escape them,
and they fill in the gap by putting it down to the gods.

That is why, once we know that nothing can come from nothing,
we are on the right track already and likely to see
how everything starts and goes on in an ordered sequence
and nothing at all is merely the work of the gods.

On the Nature of Things,
Book I

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Gallery XI | Index | 006 | 019 | 043 | 074 | 075 | 076 | 077 | 078

Gallery XI: Portraits


original title

title in English


Retrato a mi padre

Portrait to my father



First Self-Portrait


Retrato de Suzanne

Suzanne's Portrait

074 Rosa Mari Rosa Mari
075 Juan Luis Juan Luis
076 Flora Flora
077 Pierre De Lattre Pierre De Lattre
078 Luis Luis



original title

title in English


De mares

About Seas (3)

II: Máscaras Masks (3)


Vanities (4)


Humani nihil a me alienum puto

Nothing human is distant to me (5)



Disquiet (8)



Dreams (5)



Solitudes (4)



Wishes (5)


Advenimiento del Superhombre

Advent of the Superman (6)


Del Hierro al Titanio

From Iron to Titanium (25)



Portraits (8)

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